The Power of Perseverence


I try to never say I hate something…so, let’s just say I highly dislike jogging.

But I love to exercise.

There is something about getting hot, tired and sweaty that energizes me. Almost any activity will do. Give me Chalene Extreme, Shaun T or even P90X videos. I will do hour-long weight training, 30 minute HIIT routines, Zumba or R.I.P.P.E.D classes. I even enjoy plain, old-fashioned calisthenics like sit ups, push-ups and squats. I love to ride my bike for miles or walk endlessly.

But jogging simply doesn’t do it for me. I will procrastinate until the last minute before I absolutely cannot put it off any longer. In fact, I’m doing that as I write this.


It is 2:26 pm and I have someone coming over at 3:45. I can put it off until 3:15, and I’m sure I will. It’s only one mile, in less than 12 minutes.

TWELVE stinking minutes!

Yet, I procrastinate.

Why am I doing it if I dislike it so much you ask? Why not do a workout I actually enjoy?

The answer is simple. I have to. I’m taking a Self-Defense Class and one of the requirements is to run a 12 minute mile. Doesn’t sound too difficult if you are an active 20-year-old college student, which I am not. In fact, I think I am the oldest person in the class. I have some issues with my left foot and ankle, so I haven’t jogged at all in about 7 or 8 years. I power walk, but let me tell you…

It is not the same!

The class started about 5 weeks ago, and even though our runs weren’t being timed yet, I felt pretty confident. I was finishing right about in the middle of the group each time. Hey, don’t judge. Being just “average” when you are 50 years old with a bunch of 20-somethings really isn’t all that shabby!  😉

It wasn’t until the week before we were to be timed that I thought maybe I better run a few days at home, so I could actually decrease my time instead of staying the same. Running at home is harder, because half the mile has to be run up a hill. My time was 12:40. I was fairly confident I could do the run at the school in 12 minutes, since it is all on level ground.

Last Tuesday was our first timed run. I came in at 10 minutes and 40 seconds.

I was ecstatic! What a confidence booster and encouragement.

Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t make me enjoy running.

But it felt good to know I came in under the required time. I decided I would try to shave off 30 seconds from my time by our next class, which was on Thursday, just two days away. I had walked part of the route, and I knew if I just ran a little more than I did on Tuesday, I could do it.

Thursday came. I felt pretty good about it all, and was sure I could at least do a little better. So you can imagine my discouragement when my time came in at 12 minutes 10 seconds. I know I ran farther and walked less. Not sure what happened, but I determined that the next class run, I would do better. To meet that goal, I wanted to run every day between classes. Turns out, I could only run 2 of the 4 days.

We’ll see how I do tomorrow.

When I started writing today, I titled this post The Power of Perseverance. But nothing came to mind. So I erased the title and just started writing. As I re-read this post, I realize I can keep my original title, because this post  has a lot more to do with perseverance than I first thought it would.

It’s so easy to persevere in doing those things we enjoy, or the things that come naturally to us. In fact, I’m not sure that could even be called perseverance.

But when we push through in those things that are difficult for us, those things we don’t enjoy doing, something special happens.

The victory we find as we accomplish the challenge is somehow more sweet.

It delivers a kind of confidence within us that makes us stand a little taller.

It makes us feel a little braver.

It makes us attempt new things…more difficult things.

…and our confidence grows.

More than a Decision

So you’ve made up your mind. You are going to eat better and exercise more. Or maybe you have other goals in mind. The desire is there. You have decided to “Jump In!”

Now what? We all know that realizing success takes more than a decision. Good intentions will never get the job done!

The next step begins in the mind, and is followed up with a sheer act of the will. Determine to put one foot in front of the other and walk with purpose. Webster’s defines determination as this: the act of coming to a decision; a firm or fixed purpose. To be determined means you are firmly resolved. You are tenacious.

Be firmly resolved to succeed. You know you can do it! It is possible. Be tenacious in spirit as you go after it!

Remember, it all begins in your mind. Once you come to a decision and set your mind to it, be firmly resolved in it.

You are in charge!

You are in charge of your choices, of your actions and of your responses! Determination is an act of the will. It’s not a feeling, and it doesn’t ‘just happen.’

You purpose to make it happen.

As Christopher Robin so wisely said to Pooh Bear, “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” I would add to that that you are more beautiful than you could ever imagine! You can do this!

Choose to be brave!

Choose to be strong!

Choose to be fearless!

Those things make you confident. They make you successful in your endeavors.

And they make you beautiful, shining from the inside out!


Jumping In


I am feeling Brave.


Ok, maybe not completely fearless. But brave, nonetheless.

I’m jumping in!

I’ve been staring at this nearly blank page for a few days now, wondering…what do I say? What will anyone really care about reading. Blogging is new to me. Oh, I’ve read some blogs. I’m even following a few. But writing my first post, getting started, that’s the hard part.

I am a procrastinator at heart. If I’m not sure what I’m doing, I will put it off as long as humanly possible. Taking that first step is always the most difficult for me. So, I think the best thing to do here (if this blog is ever going to get started) is to just start typing, and let it happen.

Come to think about it, writing this blog post is a lot like beginning a nutrition/fitness journey. Just where does one start? Which plan should I follow? Where should I shop for my food? What food should I buy?  …and possibly most powerful deterrent of all;

“What if I fail?! I can’t fail if I don’t actually start!”

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