Sweet & Salty Appetizers to Please Everyone

Nuts & Dates Served

Nothing is better than an explosion of sweet and salty all together in your mouth at once.

Nothing. Is. Better.

I haven’t met many people who will turn down that experience!

I have two incredible appetizers that will be a hit at any party or gathering you host or attend: Salty Lime Cashews and Maple-Bacon Wrapped Dates.


Someone is allergic to nuts…or doesn’t eat pork.

But chances are fairly good that at least one of these recipes should work.  😉

For any recipe, it’s always best to start with the cleanest ingredients you possibly can. By that I mean always buy organic if you can afford it, and always buy the real, whole ingredient, not some processed product that comes in a can or a box with a boatload of ingredients that you can’t pronounce and wouldn’t find in your own kitchen cupboards to cook with.

Just Eat Real Food!

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