Six Recipes to Make from this Spiralized Veggie Salad

Spiralize It!

Spiralized Veggie Salad Bowl

Spiralized Veggies are all the craze these days! Visually, the color, beauty and creativity was the first thing to catch my eye, but the health benefits of finding an alternative to noodles was enticing as well.

I don’t suffer from celiac disease, I’m not diabetic, and I do not have a gluten intolerance. But I have noticed that when I seriously limit pastas and breads from my diet, I feel so much better! I have more energy and less bloating. The inflammation in my joints goes away to the point that I don’t feel pain in my previously sore and arthritic areas. My ‘gut’ issues disappear and I do not experience indigestion any more.

Maybe that means I do have a bit of a “gluten sensitivity” after all. At any rate, I guess that at my age, (50+) my body just doesn’t process some foods like it used to. I can eat a little bit, occasionally, and not have any problems. But if they become a regular staple in my diet, my body is going to let me know it’s not happy with me.

I’m also looking to lose a few pounds, and 2 cups of spiralized veggies has far fewer calories than 2 cups of pasta! It’s also easier on the digestive system and will aid me in my quest for weight loss instead of sabotage me. You see, I also have a serious addiction to breads and pastas. I will almost always eat more than I should at any one sitting, and I will want more and more of it the more often I eat it. In short, if I don’t control it, it will begin to control me.

Maybe this sounds a little bit familiar to you, and you can relate. Or maybe you are one of those fortunate people who just love veggies more than pasta. Either way, hopefully you will find something new in this post to please your palate.

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Kim’s Potassium Power Soup

Potassium Power Soup

It is important to your health to make sure you are getting enough potassium in your body on a daily basis. In my research on this nutrient, I have read that you need at least 4,000 milligrams each and every day. So, how do you know if you are getting enough? When should you start looking into taking a potassium supplement?

Personally, I will never take any kind of supplement or vitamin unless I know for a fact that I continue to be deficient in it after at least 4 months of trying to correct the problem naturally.

Using Real Foods.

Whole Foods.

Clean Foods.

It is always best to get your nutritional needs met through quality, whole food choices, and it can be as dangerous to take supplements you don’t need as it is to be deficient in an area.

There are ways to find out if you are getting enough of certain needed vitamins and minerals, as well as if you are consuming too much of a bad ingredient.

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